Best Dog Friendly Lawn Fertilizer – Garden fertilizers can be harmful to your dog in large amounts or when mixed with toxic substances such as pesticides. In most cases, pets only suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, but if pesticides are involved, symptoms can be more severe.
Read this guide to learn which fertilizers are harmful to dogs, how to properly store and use lawn fertilizer for dog safety, and what to do in case of accidental ingestion.
Best Dog Friendly Lawn Fertilizer
Fertilizers are natural or synthetic substances containing chemicals that promote plant growth. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potash (potassium) – or N, P and K – are essential nutrients for plant growth and are the main ingredients of commercial fertilizers.
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Fertilizers contain varying amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, designated as the N-P-K ratio. For example, a product with an NPK of 10-0-4 is 10 parts nitrogen, zero phosphorus, and four parts potassium.
Complex formulas also contain trace elements such as boron, calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel and zinc.
Scratching feet and fur after playing in the treated area rarely causes symptoms. Weeds and fertilizers spread on the soil are also less of a threat unless toxic pesticides are added. Direct ingestion from fertilizer or spray containers is the leading cause of dogs entering the emergency room with severe fertilizer poisoning.
As a general rule, dog owners should not expose their pets to manure or other garden products. Direct contact during application can cause skin irritation, itching and respiratory problems, especially when applying liquid fertilizers. Keep pets and children indoors when using any yard fertilizer.
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Interestingly, part of the danger comes from some organic fertilizers that we all think are natural and safe. If you fertilize with organic foods, keep your dog away from:
Safe for the environment, these organic fertilizers are made from animal waste and therefore smell very good to dogs. If improperly handled and supervised during use, your furry friend may ingest them and become ill:
Dogs can eat even small amounts, so consider any fertilizer that uses these organic ingredients as a health hazard. The most dangerous are mixtures containing toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides or fungicides.
This category includes commercial fertilizers mixed with herbicides (specified weeds and forages) and products containing insecticides or fungicides. It also refers to conventional fertilizers with pesticides or herbicides to make it easier for homeowners to use.
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Most chemical pesticides can be harmful to dogs if ingested, and some can be harmful if ingested or in contact with the skin, but the most dangerous are organophosphates.
Organophosphates are toxic chemicals that affect the muscles and nervous system and are dangerous to pets if left untreated. Examples of the most toxic include pyrethroids and disulphotans. Disulfoton is often used to protect roses against pests and is sometimes mixed with bone powder to create a dangerous attraction for dogs. About a teaspoon of 1% disulfonate in fertilizer can kill a large dog.
Cocoa bean mulch is a decorative ground cover and an effective fertilizer. It has a mild chocolate aroma, looks good and is rich in nutrients that enter the soil slowly. These features make it a luxurious choice for flower gardens and stunning landscape projects. However, cocoa mulch is toxic to dogs and cats.
Cacao mulch is made from the husks and pits of cacao beans and contains theobromine, which can cause chocolate poisoning if you feed your dog chocolate.
Weed And Feed With Fertilizer
Dogs love the smell of chocolate, so after at least a month of spreading the mulch, they are tempted to eat it and experience chocolate toxicity, they say. The most common symptoms are vomiting and muscle tremors, but rapid heart rate, hyperactivity, and diarrhea may also occur.
Complex fertilizers contain trace elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese. Although most are present in small amounts and do not cause problems, iron can cause iron poisoning if consumed in large amounts.
Composted manure, food, plant material or compost can be toxic to your dog if used. They contain volatile mycotoxins that can make dogs sick quickly, with symptoms usually appearing within an hour of eating. Common symptoms of mold poisoning include hyperactivity, tremors, vomiting, fever, and, in severe cases, seizures.
Cover fertilizer containers and store in a dry place to prevent mold growth. In open packaging, mold may be present even if it is not visible.
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Mixing any type of manure, even pet manure, can be dangerous for your dog. However, pet fertilizers contain less toxic additives than conventional fertilizers. This means your dog is safe after using them to run and play on the lawn and the injection will only cause mild symptoms.
That being said, don’t take the pet-friendly label for granted. Check the ingredients list, follow the directions for use, and keep your dog away from the treatment area for as long as the package says.
If your dog eats poop, symptoms may start with upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, excessive salivation, and abdominal pain. Continuous NPK fertilization usually produces few symptoms unless large amounts of fertilizer are applied.
If the manure contains toxins, the digestive symptoms are just beginning. The list of clinical symptoms also includes:
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First, try to find out the ingredients of the fertilizer and how much your dog is eating. A fertilizer package can help test for toxic chemicals.
Pro tip: Take photos of your garden chemical packets with your phone. That way, if you need to check ingredients, you’ll always have them.
Contact your veterinarian to decide if the problem can be treated at home or if you should take your dog to the vet. You can also contact Pet Poison Help or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for assistance.
In some cases, your vet may recommend home induction, but do not do this unless advised by a specialist. They will explain what products to use and how much to use based on your dog’s weight.
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Dog owners can use fertilizers on their lawns and gardens as long as they follow certain safety rules:
What if Fido steals the fertilizer and walks all over your lawn after using it? Bathe your dog to remove all traces of manure from his fur and paws. Few fertilizers, especially those containing pesticides, are very dangerous, and a dog can harm itself by running around the yard, applying the product to its body, and licking its skin and paws.
New to dog grooming? More information on lawn care with a dog in your yard Read our guide to 10 lawn care tips for dog owners.
Drinking large amounts of milk can cause stomach upset, but this is very rare. If it is particularly appealing to your dog, keep it away from your dog. For the most part, you can use it on your lawn and patio without any problems.
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Nitrogen fertilizers applied in large amounts (directly from oil) may cause vomiting and diarrhea, but are unlikely to cause more severe symptoms.
If your dog is into manure, your manure may contain ingredients he likes, such as bone meal, blood meal, or coco mulch. To prevent accidental ingestion of fertilizer, it should be stored in a closed container and out of the reach of dogs. You can also switch to fertilizers that use a plant food source.
If your dog poops, get your vet right away! A lawn care professional can’t help you, but they can certainly help you choose safe fertilizers and apply them correctly to your lawn. Find a pet care company with Lawn Love and have a safe green haven where your yard can thrive and your pets can play!
Cinziana Spiridon Cinziana Spiridon is an outspoken blogger with a passion for green thumbs and organic gardening. When she’s not writing about weeds, pests, soil and growing plants, she tends to her garden and beautiful front lawn.
Is Fertilizer Bad For Dogs?
Looking for lawn mowing, fertilizing, gutter cleaning, leaf raking, yard cleaning, or more? Our specialists can do it all. A green and green lawn is the dream of every home owner. However, to achieve this often requires the use of lawn fertilizers. If you are a dog owner, you may be thinking:
This article explains the effects of lawn fertilizers on our furry companions and provides insight on how to keep your lawn green while keeping your dog safe.
Lawn fertilizers are a mixed bag. While it will feed your lawn the nutrients it needs to grow, it may not be kind to your pets. Here’s what you need to know:
Pet lawn care not only benefits your furry companion, but can also contribute to a healthier environment.
Sunday And Pets
Choosing pet lawn care solutions is a proactive step towards creating a safe outdoor environment for your dog. Here’s what you can do:
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Nice to share about Dog Friendly Vacations 2024 to you.